Often when trying to decide if the time has come to get full dentures it can be both emotional and scary. Your Dentist should be the fist person to help you with this decision. Often if you have gotten to this point of oral health then there has likely been ongoing issues with your teeth. You likely have been fighting to keep them or just have given up completely. There are many factors to consider when deciding what to do next so talking it over with your dentists and then talking to a good denturist is the next step. Sometimes saving the teeth you can and getting a Partial denture could be the answer , but often a full mouth extraction is necessary combine with immediate dentures. Talk to both your dentist and your denturists to decide the best course , a good denturist will be in direct communication with the dentist and work hand in hand to determine timing and best treatments. Alternatives like denture retained implants and mini implants will also be presented to you. Read other
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